参加众信的团队去过意大利深度游,挺 不 错的。虽然价格没有多便 宜,但是我只想说物超所值!简单给你说下意大利的景点吧,如果你自己去的话,也能做个参考。圣马可教堂,道奇宫、叹息桥,梵蒂冈,圣彼得大教堂,圣彼得广场,斗兽场,君士坦丁凯旋门,古城庞贝赠送专业中文讲解,圣吉米亚诺,佛罗伦萨,圣母百花大教堂,市政厅广场,旧宫,比萨斜塔
Located in South-Central Europe, Italy has been traditionally the country of pasta, pizza, gondolas and works of art. Many people have been dreaming about going to that romantic place during their holidays to discovery everything that they had seen on movies, documentaries or pictures.
A good option if you are planning a trip to Italy would be to visit the most interesting places in several cities, like for instance, Milan, Venice, Bologna, Naples and Rome
Starting with Milan, the second-largest city in Italy, which is mainly known for being a city of fashion and business. In spite of that, masterpieces can be easily found.
The channels across the cities, the typical mild temperatures and the historical buildings, museums and sculptures you may find wherever you go give a special charm to the country.
第一天 坐一坐贡多拉船夫的小船 看一看叹息桥
第二天 到圣马可广场 溜溜 参观圣马可教堂
I think the best is the Lonely Planet's guide book.